[:en]Top 10 Marriage Proposal Scenes in Movies[:zh]10大經典電影求婚片段[:]

[:en]Many love story movies used romantic plots to do proposals. Some of them have extravagant scenes, some of them have little but loving atmosphere. Whatever style, they touched many men or women’s heart. Let’s look back the top 10 proposal scenes here!


1- The Proposal 2009

The plot centers on a Canadian executive, Margaret Tate, who learns that she may face deportation from the U.S. because of her expired visa. Determined to retain her position as editor in chief of a publishing house, Tate convinces her assistant, Andrew Paxton, to temporarily act as her fiancé. Andrew wanted to revenge to Margaret, so he asked her to knee down and propose to him in the crowds, or he wouldn’t married her. As the story evolved, they fell in love each other and Andrew proposed to Margaret eventually.




2- Stepmom 1998

Luke (Ed Harris) surprises girlfriend Isabel (Julia Roberts) with a refreshingly realistic proposal speech while Isabel had just woken up. He gave her a spool of thread inside a jewelry box said : “Even when things are hard and you feel like giving up, you have to hang on to that decision, that choice to love each other. Even if it’s only by a thread. I let that thread break once. This time, it won’t. Will you marry me?”




3- Love Actually 2003

Jamie (Colin Firth) falls in love with Portuguese housekeeper Aurélia (Lúcia Moniz), who only speaks her native tongue. After Jamie returns to England, he begins learning Portuguese for her and later returns to France to find Aurélia. Using his new-learnt language, he proposes to her in Portuguese. And then she responds in English, which she has been secretly learning as well!



4- Don’t go breaking my heart 2011

Sean (Louis Koo) hide the engagement ring in the dictionary, which page includes the word “Marry”, and it shows a heart shape shadow through a special lighting. You can try this method if you like a more private proposal.




5- Walk the line 2015

While performing onstage, Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix) asks June Carter (Reese Witherspoon) if she’ll marry him. He refuses to finish the song until she accepts. Although June is uncomfortable at first, Johnny’s promise to take care of her and never hurt her again is enough for her to say yes. If you like singing or performing, you can use this method, compose or sing a song that belongs to you two!



6- Sex and the City 2008

As we all know Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) loves shoes. So Mr. Big (Chris Noth) propose to her with a high-heel as a ring in a walk-in closet. It shows diamond ring is not a much for marriage proposal. As long as your girlfriend loves something, you can use it as the ring!



7- The stolen year 2013

He Man (Bai Baihe) is sitting in the back of the car. All of her friends and family dance and sing for her! It makes the girl feeling loved.




8- Serendipity 2000

Sara (Kate Beckinsale) walks into the house to find rose petals covering the floor with candles everywhere and a large box in the middle of the room. She opens the box to find an empty ring box and her boyfriend Lars (John Corbett) swoops in explaining, “You have to say yes first.” It’s a funny trick if you want a bit laughter before your serious proposal 🙂



9- A walk to remember 2002

Jamie (Mandy Moore), a teenager dying of leukemia, warned Landon (Shane West) early on not to fall in love with her. But he did anyway, and after she reveals her terminal cancer, he commits to fulfilling every item on Jamie’s bucket list before she dies — including getting married in the same chapel where her parents exchanged vows. He made a huge telescope for her to gaze stars. After that, he proposed.



10- Sweet Home Alabama 2002

Melanie (Reese Witherspoon) is whisked away to Tiffany & Co. after hours (by Patrick Dempsey, no less) and told to “pick one.” This maybe a bit too exagerated, but it did move girls!






  1. The Proposal , 求婚的惡魔 2009



  1. Stepmom ,後備媽咪 1998




  1. Love Actually , 真的戀愛了 2003

Love Actually是愛情電影中的經典,最多人記得其中一個故事講述男主角跑到女主角家,以字牌把心裡不敢表達的愛意道出,但其實另一幕亦很動人。其中一個單元的男主角在法國旅行時戀上葡萄牙年輕女傭,他在抵達家中準備與家人過聖誕節時,忽然飛奔往葡萄牙尋找女孩,並找來她的一班親朋戚友往她工作的餐廳,在眾目睽睽下操著剛學懂葡萄牙表白及求婚,場面十分感人!


  1. 單身男女 Don’t go breaking my heart 2011




  1. 弦途有你, Walk the line 20015

飾演美國民歌歌手的男主角在台上演唱”Burning ring of fire”時,突然停止音樂,並當著所有觀眾面前問女主角Will you marry me,若她不答應的話,他便不繼續演唱,台下全部人起哄,女主角感動的答應。喜歡唱歌及表演的男士不妨參考這個方法,當眾唱一首對於你們有紀念價值的歌,憑歌寄意。


  1. 色慾都市, Sex and the City 2008

色慾都市中的女主角Carrie 愛鞋如命,其中一幕男朋友Mr. Big 以高跟鞋代戒指求婚,證實了只要送出女生喜歡及有意義的物品,戒指並不是必然的求婚道具。


  1. 被偷走的那五年, The stolen year 2013




  1. 情有獨鍾, Serendipity 2000



  1. 流星初戀,A walk to remember 2002



  1. 美麗蹺佳人, Sweet Home Alabama 2002

女主角梅蘭妮的高富帥的男友把她帶到Tiffany & Co.,表示己經包下了 Tiffany總店送給她,並帶她到那裡求婚。雖然電影的片段通常比較誇張失實,現實中一般人很難實行這個方法,但落面對男友如此的猛列銀彈攻勢,相信女士很難不動搖吧!
