Firework Proposal in Phuket 布吉煙花求婚

Steven planned to propose to his girlfriend under a firework during the Phuket trip and The Tailored Moment assisted to search for the resort and firework provider and provided for the decoration and arranged photographer ,videographers to fly to Phuket.

Steven 想在與女朋友到布吉旅行時在煙花下求婚,所以安排了今次這個布吉煙花求婚。 The Tailored Moment 協助Steven尋找布吉場地及煙火供應商、替Steven製作求婚影片、佈置場地、安排攝影師、攝錄師及代訂了99枝玫瑰花束。

香港沙灘求婚策劃 Hong Kong Beach Proposal Planning

香港沙灘求婚策劃 Hong Kong Beach Proposal Planning

香港沙灘求婚策劃 Hong Kong Beach Proposal Planning






When they left the resort room and went to the way to beach, they saw the cabana decoration with MARRY ME light and a projector screen showing their photos and videos.


當他們離開度假村房間去海灘的路上時,他們看到拱門小屋裡裝飾、MARRY ME燈和一個屏幕,上面顯示了他們的照片和影片。





Afterwards, Steven walked toward and propose to his beloved. All of a sudden, fIrework light up the entire sky and they enjoyed the fantastic firework in a night they will never forget.

影片播放後,Steven走向並向他的摯愛求婚。 完成求婚儀式後,煙花照亮了整個天空,他們享受了一個永生不會忘記美妙的晚上。他們也一分喜歡這次的布吉煙花求婚。














求婚影片 Proposal Video


The Tailored Moment的服務內容:

  • 尋找場地
  • 尋找煙花供應商
  • 佈置場地
  • 提供攝影及攝錄服務
  • 活動策劃
  • 代訂99枝鮮花


Services The Tailored Moment Provided:

  • To provide Decoration Services (Fairy string lights, photo wall, balloons, MARRY ME light sign, floral curtain)
  • To provide Photography Videography Services
  • Event Planning



想看更多求婚個案,可到我們的 Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter/ Pinterest @thetailoredmoment

Want to get more information on our proposal cases, please visit our Facebook / Instagram / Twitter /Pinterest @thetailoredmoment