Hong Kong Beach Cabana Fairy Light Proposal 香港沙灘拱門小屋求婚

Our client Mr. Chan and his girlfriend met for years and they have planned to get marry in the coming year and he would like to propose to her during the vacation trip with friends in Hong Kong. He wished to propose near the sea as he thought this is romantic, he chose this private cabana set up.



The Tailored Moment gave advice on the beach location, edited the proposal video and helped him to book the 99 roses bouquet. On the proposal day, we prepared for the decoration of the beach cabana with fairy lights and white curtain, and also the candle lights and lantern hanging on tree. We also arranged an outdoor projector and screen and placed it in front of the private cabana.

The Tailored Moment協助陳先生挑選沙灘場地,事前準備包括製作4分鐘左右的求婚影片及代訂99枝玫瑰鮮花束,在求婚當天在他們晚飯的時候佈置沙灘拱門小屋,以白紗及燈飾圍在拱門小屋上,然後以吊燈燈飾及蠟燭掛在樹上,營造了浪漫的環境。小屋前放了戶外屏幕,待女主角過來時播放求婚影片。







When they have finished dinner with friends, Mr. Chan pretended to go to washroom and came to find us and took a bouquet of balloon and hide at a corner.



Then, their friends brought her to the beach and walked into the private cabana. Afterwards, she sat on the chair in the middle and watched the proposal video at the cabana. After the video showing, Mr. Chan came along with the balloons and took out the ring and proposed to her.












The Tailored Moment的服務內容:

  • 佈置場地
  • 代訂99枝紅玫瑰鮮花束
  • 製作4分鐘求婚影片
  • 提供攝錄服務
  • 提供音響器材
  • 提供投影機器材
  • 活動策劃


Services The Tailored Moment Provided:

  • To produce the 4 minutes proposal video before the proposal day
  • To book 99 roses bouquet
  • To provide beach decoration services
  • To provide videography services
  • To provide audio equipment
  • To provide portable projector screen and projector equipment
  • To provide event planning services



想看更多求婚個案,可到我們的 Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter/ Pinterest @thetailoredmoment

Want to get more information on our proposal cases, please visit our Facebook / Instagram / Twitter /Pinterest @thetailoredmoment